[Chapter Twenty-One: Orion]


Chapter Twenty-Two: 6369 BC—Gemini in Bosnia

From my point of view there is no such thing as a coincidence.
But the word is charged with emotional significance.
How many times in fiction, when faced by evidence of ESP
or any manifestation beyond his rational understanding,
the scientist hero cries out:
Coincidence! It has to be! Anything else is unthinkable!"
—William S. Burroughs, The Adding Machine

The Teomim

Long before the name of my ancestors was Franklin, even before the earlier Frankel was adopted in the 17th Century at Prague by the family whose commercial name was Munk and whose forebears had come from the Rhine Valley, their name was Teomim, meaning "Twins." Whether or not there was a connection with the celestial Teomim, this was the name of the stars of Gemini in Hebrew according to Richard Allen (1963), as it was Tome among the Phoenicians and Al Tau’aman in Arabia. The Chaldaeans called them Tammech. In ancient China they were "Tsing, a Well or Pit," again according to Allen. At the end of Gemini, in the direction that the sun travels through the zodiac during the year, are its two brightest stars, α and β Geminorum, two of the three stars, along with ι (iota), that make up the equilateral triangle that became the letter delta (Δ) in the Greek alphabet. We have already seen the central stars of Orion reproduced as a row of pyramids on the left bank of the Nile when the spring equinox was aligned with that constellation. Even earlier, that same equinox was located in Gemini, and we will not be disappointed when we look for another pyramidal complex arranged in the form of the equilateral triangle that marked the early years of the equinox in Gemini after its arrival from the constellation of Cancer.

In 2006, Dr. Semir Osmanagić (AKA Sam Osmanagich) discovered a pyramid just south of the Bosnian town of Visoko. Later, more structures were found and it was soon determined that three of these formed what was assumed at the time to be a perfect equilateral triangle straddling the Fojnicka River. If the river Nile in Egypt represented the equinoctial colure when Orion marked the vernal equinox, then it is reasonable to assume that the Fojnicka represented the colure when the equinox aligned with the great triangle in Gemini before it ever reached the Milky Way, what de Santillana (1969, 1983) called the "visible equinoctial colure":

But in the Golden Age, when the vernal equinox was in Gemini, the autumnal equinox in Sagittarius, the Milky Way had represented a visible equinoctial colure ....

This would suggest that the Bosnian pyramids were built sometime after 6500 or 6400 BC when the vernal sun first aligned with Pollux, the star β Geminorum. If this interpretation is correct, it would be mythologically defensible to identify the "Sun Pyramid" with the star occasionally called Propus (ι), though the name more often refers to η, and the "Dragon" and "Moon" pyramids with the fraternal stars Castor (α) and Pollux (β) respectively. It is at least possible that at the time of the Greek identification of α and β with Castor and Pollux, placed by Homer at the Trojan War, the third star, iota, represented their sister Helen, the supposed source of the conflict. The question we need to answer is whether there are earlier, pre-Greek, mythological themes that would help us identify the civilization that built the pyramids in Bosnia.

Orientation of Bosnian Pyramidal Concrete Structures,
Facing Due South


The Great Triangle in Gemini, Appearing Due South
at Midnight on the Vernal Equinox Sometime after 6500

Richard Allen wrote in 1900,

Another symbol [of Gemini] was a Pile of Bricks, referring to the building of the first city and the fratricidal brothers—the Romulus and Remus of Roman legend;... Similarly Sayce says that the Sumerian name for the month MayJune, when the sun was in Gemini, signified "bricks" (?).

Allen's source on this, besides Sayce, was Robert Brown, Jr., whose Primitive Constellations of 1899 has the following more detailed version of the above:

The third month is called in Akkadian Mun-ga ('the making of bricks') and Kas ('the Twins'); and the archaic kosmogonic myth or legend attached to it is that of the Two Hostile Brethren and the Building of the First City. 'The Great Twin Brethren' who join in building a mysterious city, and who are hostile to each other although they work together, are Sun and Moon, engaged in securing the preservation of kosmic order,... The natural basis of this 'mythic' opposition is that they constantly chase each other, and mutually expel each other from the crown of heaven, for which the Lion and Unicorn fight. Thus, on the cylinders the Twins are frequently represented feet to feet or head to head, one above the other, i.e., when the Sun is up the Moon is down, and conversely; although this does not apply to the Twin-stars, Kastor and Polydeukês, the Hellenistic Dioskouroi, 'fratres Helenae, lucida sidera' (Hor. Ode iii. 2), variants of the Vedic Asvinau [Ashvins], and whose names were naturally bestowed by the Greeks on the Euphratean constellation Mastabbagalgal ('the Great Twins'), in whom Sun and Moon are reduplicated.

Clearly, there was nothing mysterious about Rome, nor Troy for that matter, so that we must look elsewhere for the "mysterious city" built by "the great twin brethren." Might this be the megaceramic complex and presumed surrounding habitation at Visoko?


The Aditi Era

Returning to Tilak and The Orion,

There is no express passage which states that Punarvasû was ever the first of the Nakshatras, nor have we in this case a synonym like Agrahâyana, or Orion, wherein we might discover similar traditions. There are, however, some indications about the oldest position of Punarvasû preserved in the sacrificial literature. The presiding deity of Punarvasû is Aditi, and we are told in the Aitareya Brâhmana i, 7, and the Taittîraya Sanhitâ vi, 1, 5, 1, that Aditi has been blessed with a boon that all sacrifices must commence and end with her.... Aditi was thus the oldest and the first commencement of the sacrifice or the year.

Tilak continues in a footnote:

... Aditi would be at the head of all the Nakshatras, in the same way as Mrigashiras or the Krittikas headed the list in later times. There are again many legends in the Puranas, stating that everything was born from Aditi. We can account for all these facts if we place Aditi at the vernal equinox, when the calendar was first fixed for the sacrificial purposes.

A pattern is beginning to emerge here. The longer the recorded history of a nation, the earlier Adam/Adi/Aditi appears in the surviving texts and the greater becomes the number of generations between him or her and Menes/Noah. What seems to have happened is that no matter who was the earliest known member of a particular line of rulers—with the occasional exception of a short list of eponymous tribal ancestors—Adam/Adi/Aditi was placed directly before him, making Adam the mythical progenitor of those kings. Adi, after all, is the Sanskrit word for "first". Logically enough, the Greek myths place Atlas at the very beginning of the Atlantean Age which arose, according to the current reconstruction, circa 7450 BC with the beginning of the age of the fertile Sahara—the Neolithic Subpluvial—that began with the Erdalen Event. Though the Classical Greeks were the youngest of all of these civilizations, they were closer, geographically, to the original Atlantean kingdom as well as to the Bosnian pyramid site north of the Aegean Peninsula, so that, though they had no ancient king-list themselves, they were the inheritors of a tradition that survived from a time when their northern neighbors were an outpost of the Saharan kingdom.

Comparison of Various Adamic Eras

Hebrew Luke Assyrian Jain Buddhist Vedic Greek
Adam (ca 3262 BC) Adi (ca 3565 BC) Adamu (ca 3565 BC) Adinath (ca 3565 BC?) Adi-Buddha (ca 3565 BC?) Aditi (female, ca 6369 BC) Atlas of Atlantis (7450 BC)
| | | | | | |
7 Patriarchs 21 Generations 22 Kings Approx. 615 years Approx. 615 years Approx. 3400 years Approx. 4500 years
| | | | | | |
Lamech Jesus Ila-kabkabu Vaivaswama Vaivaswama Vaivaswama Zeus
Noah [Moses I] Aminu Vaivaswata Manu Vaivaswata Manu Vaivaswata Manu Minos

Aditi was the mother of all, among whom were various sets of twins, including Mitra and Varuna, with whom we dealt in an earlier work. This relationship looks rather mythological, so we cannot draw any historical conclusions from it, but, at the very least, it suggests why Aditi was the presiding deity of Punarvasû. And we are certainly not in a position to suggest that the Bosnian pyramid site was constructed by the mutually hostile sons of an original female Adam, especially since there was an even earlier, male, Adam in the person of the Greek Atlas at the very heart of the Atlantean civilization in North Africa. the latter, himself, supposedly the father of five sets of twins.


[Chapter Twenty-Three: 7450 BC—The Rise of the Shemsu-Hor]


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